Featured: Samtaler fra Skammekrogen Podcast

Samtaler Fra Skammekrogen Podcast

From the Publisher:

Aarhus is officially the happiest city on the planet according to the Happy City Index Study.

Despite living in the happiest city in the world, many internationals and expats in Denmark face an unexpected challenge: loneliness. It seems ironic.

As a psychotherapist working with expat professionals, I often hear about the shameful feeling of not being able to connect with Danes. The famous ‘hygge’ can feel like a private club, leaving many internationals feeling excluded.

Often expats go home alone after a day in the office, and don’t see the Danes before they punch the clock again. In Denmark expats tend to mix with other expats rather than hanging out with the inventors of “hygge”.

Expat Insider Survey Reports had DK ranking as one of the most difficult countries to settle in 

For the first time the podcast (Samtaler fra Skammekrogen) is in English, and together with Kate Dahl, founder of Career Denmark, we take a deep dive into the topic of loneliness and the shameful emotions it may evoke (NO! It’s not your fault), how to thrive among the happiest people on the planet, with the seemingly arbitrary social codes. 

We are doing the podcast to let you know, you are not alone, and hopefully inspire to a sense of agency, and what to do to create more meaning as an international.

If you have a story to share with me, please get in touch.

Vært Ann-Helene Maack
Tilrettelagt og produceret af Ann-Helene Maack
Du finder Ann-Helene på https://annhelenemaack.dk/

Tribute/ Musik: SoulProdMusic/ Creepy Note – Pixabay

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Picture of Kate Dahl

Kate Dahl

Career Consultant for Internationals in Denmark. Founder of Career Denmark since 2018. Expat living in Denmark