Find your dream job in Denmark 🇩🇰

Unlock the full potential of effective job search strategies developed by Kate Dahl – career consultant and founder of Career Denmark.

We help individuals, companies and organisations bridge the gap in the labour market 🤝

Motivational talks

General advice on how to go about the Danish labor market.


Training sessions with a-kasse, union, job center members.


Specialized webinars with job searching advice from experts.

Working with all stakeholders in the labor market

Career Denmark works with individuals, companies and organizations 👋

Our services have been tailored to assist all key stakeholders in the Danish labour market. Whether you are an individual looking for your dream job or a company or organization looking to gain visibility and give training about job searching in Denmark.  

odense international community

Clients & Partners 🤝

Having been able to connect with so many candidates and partners in the last few years makes us very happy. 

job search in Denmark - Home - Career Denmark
Let me introduce myself

I’m Kate Dahl – Career Consultant in Denmark

American, with an academic degree from Germany

Lived and worked in Denmark for 9+ years 

Professional Motivational Speaker 

Workshop Facilitator and Lecturer

Founder and Owner of Career Denmark

Kate Dahl
Clients consulted
in total
0 +
Workshops and
events organized
0 +
Years of consulting
0 +
Followers on
LinkedIn and Facebook
0 +

Need advice on what job search strategies you need for your job search in Denmark? 👇

Contact us a book a tailored evaluation below.