Individual job search consulting
What do you get out of our training sessions?
Valuable information
We provide information about the Danish labor market. Personalised to every participant.
No time limit on each topic. Each is throughly discussed. All preparations are done before the session, so you can focus.
Feedback on your work
Direct feedback by on your application with only feedback session afterwards.
Materials included
CV and cover letter templates, eBooks and exercises to help you with your job search
Individual Job Search Consultation Sessions
Pay as you go
DKK 1350.-
- One individual session *
- Tailored preparation
- Materials included
- Written Feedback**
Pay as you go
DKK 1650.-
- One individual session *
- Tailored preparation
- Materials included
- Written Feedback**
- Extra feedback after meeting
DKK 4750.-
- Five individual sessions *
- Tailored preparation
- Materials included
- Written Feedback**
- Extra feedback after meeting
* Choose from these topics: CV, Targeting the Application, Analyzing the Job Ad (Making the Call and Email to ask the right questions), Job Interview Preparation, Unsolicited Application, How to Network, LinkedIn Profile, LinkedIn Content
** Written Feedback on CV, LinkedIn profile, Unsolicited or Application before the meeting
How we do individual job search sessions?
1. Written feedback
Preparation for the session, we analyze all documents sent by the client.
2. Meeting
Online session with Kate Dahl on conference software of your choice.
3. Written feedback
Extra feedback can be provided after the online session.
4. Materials
E-books and additional materials to succeed after the online session.
Current open positions in Denmark:
Need advice on what job search strategies you need for your job search in Denmark?
Contact us or book a tailored evaluation below.