Featured: Kriti Prajapati, Youtube

What Danish Companies are Missing | Tips on Job Searching in Denmark | Kriti Prajapati

From the publisher, Kriti Prajapati:

Kate Dahl is a career consultant, based in Aarhus, Denmark. I had the opportunity to meet and attend Kate’s latest workshop in Copenhagen which was conducted on 15th September 2022. Kate gave a free motivational talk with tips and tricks for internationals on job seeking in Denmark for those with academic backgrounds. The video has two parts! In the first part, I sat down with Kate for a quick Q/A after the workshop. In the second part, I am sharing a glimpse of Kate’s workshop.

Picture of Kate Dahl

Kate Dahl

Career Consultant for Internationals in Denmark. Founder of Career Denmark since 2018. Expat living in Denmark